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Time Shooter 2 is a game development platform, it sounds like it provides tools for creating 3D games. Unity3D and WebGL are mentioned, indicating that the platform may support these technologies for game development. WebGL is a web standard that enables rendering graphics in browsers, and Unity3D is a popular game development engine.


Controls Guide:

  1. Basic Movement:

    • Use the W, A, S, D keys for forward, left, backward, and right movement, respectively.
  2. Look Around:

    • Move the mouse to look around and observe the environment.
  3. Time Manipulation:

    • Time only progresses when you move.
    • Activate time manipulation by starting to move.
  4. Combat Controls:

    • Left Mouse Button: Shoot or perform melee attacks.
    • Right Mouse Button: Aim down sights or perform alternative actions.
  5. Weapon Switching:

    • Use number keys or a designated key to switch between different weapons.
  6. Enemy Interaction:

    • Approach enemies to engage in combat.
    • Disarm enemies to take their weapons.
  7. Environmental Interaction:

    • Interact with gas cylinders to cause explosions.
    • Pick up objects and weapons and throw them at enemies.
  8. Dodge Mechanism:

    • Use movement keys and time manipulation to dodge bullets in slow motion.

How to Play:

  1. Master Time Manipulation:

    • Learn to use time manipulation strategically to your advantage.
  2. Effective Combat:

    • Experiment with different weapons to find the most effective ones for various situations.
    • Utilize the environment and objects to gain an upper hand in combat.
  3. Enemy Engagement:

    • Engage enemies strategically to avoid taking damage.
    • Disarm enemies to acquire their weapons.
  4. Environmental Awareness:

    • Be aware of the environment and use it to your advantage, such as exploding gas cylinders or throwing objects.
  5. Objective Completion:

    • Complete missions or objectives without taking damage.

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