Frontline Commando Survival

Frontline Commando Survival



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Frontline Commando Survival appears to be a classical shooter with a focus on commando missions where the player's main objective is to eliminate terrorists and survive through various levels. Here's a general guide on how to play such games and typical controls:


Controls Guide (Generic for Shooter Games):

  1. Movement: Use the arrow keys, joystick, or on-screen controls to move your character.
  2. Aim: Typically controlled by moving the mouse or using a joystick on your device.
  3. Shoot: Press the designated button (often left mouse button or a touchscreen control) to fire your weapon.
  4. Reload: If your weapon has limited ammunition, you can usually reload by pressing a specific key (often 'R').
  5. Switch Weapons: If the game provides multiple weapons, you can switch between them using the number keys or a dedicated button.
  6. Use Equipment: Some games may allow you to use grenades, medkits, or other equipment. Use a designated button for this purpose.
  7. Cover: Some games allow you to take cover behind objects. This is usually done automatically when you approach a cover point.

How to Play:

  1. Mission Objectives: Pay attention to the mission descriptions provided at the beginning of each level. This will guide you on your main objectives and goals.
  2. Eliminate Enemies: Your primary task is to kill all terrorists in each level without getting killed yourself.
  3. Survival: Be mindful of your health and take cover when needed. Some games may have health regeneration, while others require you to find health packs.
  4. Complete Levels: Successfully complete the objectives of each level to progress through the game.
  5. Weapon Upgrades: Some games feature a system where you can upgrade or change your weapons. Use in-game currency or points to improve your arsenal.


  1. Accuracy: Aim for headshots for more effective takedowns.
  2. Cover Usage: Make strategic use of cover to minimize damage from enemy fire.
  3. Resource Management: Manage your ammunition and equipment wisely, especially in challenging missions.
  4. Enemy AI: Learn the behavior of enemy AI to predict their movements and actions.

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